TONALPOHUALLI [Beginners Level] The First Five.
By Purchasing this Pack you will have access to the Tonalpohualli Classes that will cover the following Potentials and their Fundamental Guiding Forces:
* Zipaktli and Tonakatekuhtli
* Ehekatl and Ehekatl-Ketzalkoatl
* Kalli and Tepeyollohtli
* Kuetzpallin and Huehuekoyotl
* Koatl and Chalchiuhtlikue
Beginners Tonalpohualli Session 1
Temachtiani Akaxe brings modern science and ancestral one to a harmonious connection on this beginners approach to the twenty potentials.
Beginners Tonalpohualli Session 2
A continuation of the first session explaining the Fundamental Force of Tonakatekuhtli and connecting all the information across.
Beginners Tonalpohualli Session 3 Ehekatl
Tapping into the concept of Ehekatl in its main qualities seen in both, Nature and Human Beings as the Great Communicator, As well as its Principal Guiding Force, Ehekatl-Ketzalkoatl.
Beginners Tonalpohualli Session 4 Kalli
The concept of Kalli explained in its Totality, often mistranslated as a mere house. As well as the fascinating Fundamental Force known as Tepeyollohtli or Tlaltokaozelotl.
Beginners Tonalpohualli Session 5 Kuetzpallin
The Lizard known as Kuetzpallin getting analyzed in a practical way for everybody to apply it on a daily basis. The Fundamental Force Huehuekoyotl is also explain during this class.
Beginners Tonalpohualli Session 6 Koatl pt1
One of the most utilized symbols across Anahuak, the form of vibrating snakes will be cover from its basic expressions to the most complex.
Beginners Tonalpohualli Session 7 Koatl pt2
Continuing with the metaphysical and psychological aspects of Koatl as well as its guiding Fundamental Force, Chalchiuhtlikue.